
INERCO analyze and implement improvements in operational, technical, economic, water conservation and management in any industry.

Our capabilities include the full supply of plants for:

Leachate Treatment.

Industrial Waste Treatment.

Surface Treatment of Metals.

Process Water Conditioning and Purification.

Separation and Recovery of Oil.

Water Recycling for Vehicle Washing on a commercial scale.

Analysis and optimization of environmental improvement alternatives for the management of effluents and discharges.

In all cases, INERCO has the technical specialists and expertise necessary to identify and propose appropriate measures when considering water savings in the appropriate sectors, like zero discharge system that enables the recovery of more than 95% of the water used in a production plant, using technologies such as vacuum evaporation or evaporation by mechanical compression (Vacudest technology), among others.

INERCO Evaporadores


INERCO Ultrafiltración - Microfiltración

Ultrafiltration – Microfiltration

INERCO Intercambio Iónico – Electrodesionización

Ion Exchange – Electronic deionization (EDI)

INERCO Ósmosis Inversa

Reverse Osmosis

INERCO Ultrafiltración - Microfiltración

Physical – Chemical Treatment Plant

INERCO Desoleadores

Separation of oils (Degreasing)

INERCO Instrumentación para Vertidos y Aguas Industriales

Instrumentation and Industrial Water Discharges

Antonio Copado Ceballos INERCO


Director Gerente de INERCO Tratamiento de Aguas