Occupational Risk Prevention

INERCO has worked in the field of risk prevention since 1991
Por tanto, el enfrentarnos a la gestión de los riesgos característicos de los sectores químico, petroquímico, cementero, metalúrgico, minero, de la construcción naval e industrial, entre otros, ha sido una constante desde nuestros inicios.
INERCO Risk Prevention, S.A., was created to act as a service specializing in Occupational Safety Prevention, Industrial Hygiene , Ergonomics and Applied Psychology throughout Spain and since late 2013 has been specializing in Occupational Medicine in the provinces of Seville, Cadiz, Huelva, Cordoba and Malaga.
INERCO Conciertos Servicios de Prevención Ajeno

External Prevention Services / Company Prevention Support Service

INERCO Asesoría estratégica en PRL

Strategic Advice on ORP

INERCO Evaluaciones de Riesgos

Risk Assessments

INERCO Higiene Industrial

Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Applied Psychology

INERCO Atmósferas Explosivas

Explosive Atmospheres

INERCO Formación en Prevención

Prevention Training

INERCO Seguridad en Máquinas: RD 1215 y Medidas correctoras

Machinery and Work Equipment

INERCO Sistemas de Gestión de PRL

Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (OHSMS)

INERCO PRL en Obras y nuevos proyectos

Prevention of Occupational Health and Safety Risks in Construction

INERCO Cultura de Seguridad - Factor Humano

Behavior Based Safety (BBS)

INERCO PRL Medidas Correctoras

Design and Implementation of Corrective Measures

Pablo Navarro González INERCO


Manager INERCO Prevención de Riesgos