Silencers |
Silencers |
Enclosures and acoustic barriers |
Acoustic grilles |
Acoustic absorbent treatments |
Elastic Systems – Anti-vibration |
Others: acoustic doors, acoustic scopes, insulation |
Manufacture, delivery and monitoring of the implementation of acoustic products.
Turn key (EPC) acoustic solutions: reducing noise and vibration systems, soundproofing, acoustic insulation, acoustic fittings.
Vent Silencers (to reduce noise in valves and atmospheric discharges at high pressure and temperature).
Exhaust silencers: to reduce the noise of engines and generators.
In line Silencers: to reduce the noise in pipes and fluid transport networks.
Exhaust silencers for boilers.
Silencers for fans, blowers, turbochargers...
Reactive silencers: to control noise of predominantly low frequency and pure tones.
Silencers for HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning).
Noise protection barriers.
Construction of soundproof wall panels and roof panels for use in warehousing.
Subdividing noisy acoustic enclosures and installations in industrial facilities.
Relaxation cabins and special acoustic protection cabins for specific jobs/ positions, etc.
Enclosures for mills, presses, conveyors, etc.
Treatments for dryers, ovens, etc.
Rest Cabins for industry.
Rotary devices.
Acoustic carwash tunnels.
Electrical Substations.
Pumping Stations.
Silencing of compressor facilities, generators, turbines, diesel engines.
Transport infrastructure: Acoustic protection panels for roads, railways and airports.
Buildings: acoustic barriers and enclosures for HVAC equipment in covered areas.
INERCO Acústica manufactures a complete range of acoustic absorber modules with great functional and aesthetic diversity, specifically designed to control the reflected component of sound energy, increase acoustic absorption, reduce reverberation, improve diffusion and contribute to the decoration of enclosures.
Within the INERCO Acústica family of absorbing modules there are two types of surface finishes: industrial finishes and decorative finishes. Industrial surface finishes are specially designed to guarantee mechanical performance and durability over time, to withstand dirty environments (grease, dust, fumes and the like that affect sound absorption), and are easy to repair and/or replace in the event of knocks or breakage. Their surface appearance is usually metallic, and if they have textile coatings, they will have special characteristics in terms of behavior against the accumulation of dust, fumes, odors and grease. Decorative finishes offer a wide variety of textures and colors, as well as ease of assembly and disassembly (either for cleaning or simply aesthetics).
These absorbing baffle systems are the ideal solution for enclosures where it is necessary to correct the degree of acoustic comfort, either due to the noise generated by the users of the room or due to the sound characteristics of the room itself.
Its simple installation does not entail the need for major construction work, thus reducing costs (time and money), and avoids modifying the design concept of the room. It is a system totally complementary to any architectural design, and adaptable to almost any type of building and architectural modality (whether old, classic or modern).
INERCO Acústica designs and manufactures elements to complete soundproofing and acoustic treatments in enclosures with high acoustic requirements: acoustic doors and acoustic viewers, to complete a global treatment of noisy industrial enclosures, soundproofing of rooms, booths and acoustic screens, as well as technical rooms, audiovisual spaces and enclosures dedicated to leisure, culture and entertainment.