INERCO offers a vast experience of over thirty years in the approval of projects and facilities in all industrial sectors and regions at national and international level by establishing approaches that improve the negotiation and by optimising the environmental requirements and conditions applicable in facilities.
To this end, our main services include:

Preliminary analysis of alternatives and environmental viability of projects.

Environmental Impact of projects.

Integrated and Unified Environmental Permits.

Environmental authorisations by sector.

Gestión ambiental integral de autorizaciones (permitting ambiental).

Integrated environmental management authorisation (environmental permitting).

INERCO Environmental Advisor.

Technical experts in Environmental Management.

Assistance in relations with authorities and stakeholders.

Assistance in accidental situations and disciplinary proceedings.

INERCO Estudios de Impacto Ambiental de Proyectos

Environmental Impact Studies of Projects

INERCO Autorizaciones Ambientales Integradas y Unificadas

Unified and Integrated Environmental Authorisations

INERCO Autorizaciones Ambientales Sectoriales

Sectoral Environmental Authorisations

INERCO Diagnósticos Ambientales y Optimización de Autorizaciones e Instalaciones

Environmental Diagnostics and Optimisation of Installation Authorisations

INERCO Asesor Ambiental. Técnicos Residentes

INERCO Environmental Advisors and Technical Experts

INERCO Asistencia en Situaciones Accidentales y Expedientes Sancionadores

Assistance in Accidental Situations and Prosecutions

Environmental Impact Studies of Projects
Preliminary analysis of alternatives and environmental viability of projects

Possibility to improve the feasibility analysis of the project through the initial diagnosis of environmental variables, anticipating potential environmental requirements, suggesting alternatives or environmental solutions, legally and technically compatible solutions complementing the definition of the project based on the environmental and territorial parameters applicable.

Environmental Impact of projects

At INERCO Environmental Impact Project Assessment is addressed by an integrated approach, combining previous analysis of optimal approaches to the development of completed technical and environmental documentation, detailed processing of claims or allegations and expert advice throughout the entire procedure.

Integrated Environmental Management Authorisation (Environmental Permitting)

Environmental Permitting consists of the definition, planning and management of the technical, environmental procedures and permits required to develop a project, with the most favorable terms in the shortest time possible.

Francisco Javier Hidalgo Galdón INERCO


Jefe del Departamento de Medio Ambiente
Luis Toscano Benavides INERCO


Jefe Área de Ordenación y Gestión Territorial
Unified and Integrated Environmental Authorisations

INERCO combines its expertise in obtaining and modifying over 200 Integrated Environmental Permits (AAI) in all industrial sectors, with a detailed knowledge of production activities and technical factors, as well as the current and future applicable governmental regulations.This has enabled the successful establishment of approaches that have improved the negotiation in obtaining the resolution of AAI, optimising the new requirements and environmental conditions applicable to installations and to new affected activities (“IPPC new entrants” ).

Assistance in relations with authorities and stakeholders

The extensive experience of INERCO in dialogue with governments and groups or organisations potentially affected by projects or situations (“stakeholders”) is considered an essential element in strategic business planning and allows us to offer specialised technical assistance to our customers in managing such projects or situations.

Sectoral Environmental Authorisations

INERCO offers its clients extensive experience in obtaining environmental clearance in all industrial sectors and regions, allowing appropriate management of authorisations such as:

Emissions released into the atmosphere.

Discharge authorisations.

Communications and authorisations for the production and management of hazardous and non-hazardous materials.

Release of by-products or end of waste status.

Authorisations and municipal licenses.

Environmental Diagnostics and Optimisation of Installation Authorisations
Diagnostics of best available techniques (BAT)

Determine the degree of legal compliance against future legislation, the applicability of new conditions, limits and possible exemptions associated with the use of BAT that could be imposed on the activities.

Diagnosis and management of effluent discharges

Determine the degree of legal compliance compared with future legislation or conditions that could be imposed on discharges, identify potential improvement alternatives or re-use of water depending on its results, deadlines and savings, allowing subsequent decision making regarding selected solutions or improvements.

INERCO Environmental Advisors and Technical Experts

INERCO ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISOR is a comprehensive service to support businesses and meet increasing industrial requirements, new requirements and new environmental legislative framework, with ongoing support from a personal advisor that optimises decision-making regarding environmental issues.

Residential Technical Experts in environmental management

INERCO has expert staff in legislation and environmental management, with extensive experience in operational and environmental conditions associated with industrial facilities in multiple sectors, which allows us to make their skills available to those customers who need a dedicated resource in their own facilities, both on a full-time or part-time basis.

Assistance in Accidental Situations and Prosecutions

INERCO has participated in the management and resolution of incident disciplinary proceedings and situations associated with major industrial facilities in various sectors, providing customer support, from an integrated perspective. Associated solutions include:

Developing appropriate approaches to addressing and solving situations.

Full management of such situations.

Specialised Legal and Technical assistance in environmental law.

Preparation of the necessary technical reports or allegations.

Minimisation or filing of disciplinary proceedings.

Running of recovery efforts and environmental monitoring.

Acting as technical experts or environmental experts in front of administrations or judicial proceedings.

Francisco Javier Hidalgo Galdón INERCO


Jefe del Departamento de Medio Ambiente