Environmental Modelling

INERCO has extensive experience backed by hundreds of references of emissions dispersion modelling, dilution of discharges, noise propagation and land and groundwater contamination for the chemical, petrochemical, refining, energy, mining, cement and steel sectors…

Studies of atmospheric dispersion and air quality.

Analysis of source air pollution by simulating back trajectories.

SIPCA: Predictive System Impact on Air Quality.

Meteorological modelling (MM5, WRF...).

Plumes of cooling systems, visibility and salt deposition.

Discharge dilution studies.

Modelling of chemical and ecological status of water quality.

Olfactometric Studies.

Calculation of atmospheric emissions (TANKS, EDMS, COPERT...).

More information? Click here
Ángel Pérez Garrido INERCO


Jefe Área Modelizaciones Ambientales