Burners |
INERCO offers solutions aimed at improving combustion efficiency, reducing emission of combustion pollutants and/or correcting specific operational constraints.
Burners |
Windboxes and OverFire Air Systems (OFA) |
Air Preheaters |
Milling and Classification Systems |
Soundproofing Solutions for Natural Draft Burners |
Burner retrofit to improve performance, reduce emissions and/or solve operational problems of industrial boilers and furnaces:
o Upgrade to real Low NOx burners by increasing air and coal stratification.
o Extension of service life.
o Automation of existing burner regulating capabilities.
o Replacement of burner instrumentation.
Complete substitution of burners.
Optimised distribution of combustion air in windboxes to reduce NOx emissions, improve efficiency and limit the occurrence of operational problems in boilers and furnaces.
Implementation of OFA (OverFire Air) systems for NOx reduction:
o Optimised design for a proper air distribution into the furnace section.
o Customised solutions for any boiler design.
o Installation of OFA with fan support or BOFA (Boosted OverFire Air) systems.
Implementation of curtain air to protect walls against corrosion phenomena promoted under low NOx conditions.
Minimisation of imbalances in combustion air supplies to improve combustion efficiency and limit operational constraints.
Redesign of windbox and combustion air registers to improve fan operation costs by reducing pressure drop in the combustion circuit.
Increase of furnace or boiler operation flexibility by the implementation and/or automation of burner regulation capabilities, on a burner-per-burner basis or in groups of burners.
Customised solutions with optimised benefit-cost ratios.
Possible combination with other INERCO combustion optimisation technologies such as como ABACO or FLEXICOM-LNB.
Self-developed technology for low NOX operation and improved boiler performance by enhancing the flexibility of pulverised coal supplies to burners.
FLEXICOM-LNB allows the establishment of continuous and steady combustion process operation within a defined optimal area, avoiding the increase of NOx promoted by any change in the arrangement of mills in service.
Para nuevas instalaciones, ahorros directos en inversión en SCR en un rango del 6%-8% (reducción del volumen de catalizador y del tamaño de la planta de amoniaco).
Para instalaciones existentes, ahorros directos en operación del SCR superiores al 30% (reducción de los consumos de reactivo amoniacal y catalizador).
Comprehensive solutions to improve the operation of air preheaters in combustion plants with the aim of improving their efficiency and availability.
Full retrofit of heat exchange elements, including baskets and rotors.
Protection against corrosion attacks through enamelled heat exchange baskets.
Installation of high performance seals to reduce radial, axial and circumferential leakages by more than 50%.
Installation of cleaning systems for the heat exchange elements of air preheaters.
Solutions expressly designed to improve the grinding and classification capacity of coal mills at the maximum benefit-cost ratio.
Retrofit of classifiers through ABACO-Clas technology for an improved performance and an optimised particle size distribution with direct impact on carbon-in-ash reduction:
o Implementation of new regulation devices in non-adjustable static classifiers.
o Improvement and/or automation of existing regulation capabilities in mill classifiers.
Installation of rotating throats to increase the mill throughput.
Customised soundproofing solutions for natural draft (atmospheric) burners with maximum effectiveness and minimum cost.
Maximum flexibility to adapt to any type of natural draft burner.
Innovative design devised not to affect normal burner operation or air distribution within the burner.
Detachable casings for easy burner maintenance.